For the last several years PBL Pathways has been a fairly static website…a few new projects each semester, a couple posts about conferences I attended, ect. For the future, I am going to use this blog style entry page in an attempt to be more dynamic.
A number of users have requested more details on how I run my classes, how I come up with new projects, and other similar information. Next semester (starting in August) I’ll document what is going on in my classrooms (I’ll be finished with my sabbatical year) and what I am doing to update projects.
You’ll still find all of the pages you are used to on this site…they can be accessed through the navigation links across the top. Some of the pages maybe spruced up a bit, but they are basically the same.
I’ll caregorize my blog posts so you can find the information on the blog easier…I’ll have a Projects category to hightlight new and existing projects, and categories for each of the classes I teach, College Algebra, Finite Math, and Survey of Calculus. I may add more categories as the need arises.